Our Work in A nutshell
We work to ensure protection of survivors, victims of human trafficking and vulnerable populations in the community. Our Scope in protection includes:
Personal well being
- Psychosocial support– this entails offering counselling sessions to returnees and survivors of human trafficking. We currently have a pool of qualified counselors who take our clients through the process and ensure wholesome recovery.
- Medical Support: this is a basic core factor that we undertake to ensure the physical wellbeing of our clients is taken care of. This includes medical screening, diagnostics, medical follow ups, clinical therapy among others per the needs of our clients.
- Repatriation– We work to ensure that survivors are well repatriated back home through a series of processes. Repatriation could be from other countries to Kenya or from Kenya to their home countries.
- Shelter – We provide shelter/ safehouse services to most at risk survivors. In the shelter/safehouse, the survivors undergo a series of counselling sessions as well as basic life coaching on how to mitigate certain factors that may be there to harm them.
Economic Wellbeing and Stability
- Economic Empowerment: we understand the reason why majority migrate is to find economic freedom by getting jobs. In our case we offer small grants that help the survivors start businesses that will help them get back on their feet economic wise. In some extreme situations we as well offer life start up support such as payment of rent, buying of food and clothing as well as house hold items.
Education Support
- Technical Vocational Education and Training ( TVET) Support: In order to keep our survivors efforts sustainable, some are taken through TVET education. This includes training on Hair dressing, body care, technical courses, driving among others.
- Secondary School education support: Basic education is a human right that is entitled to everyone, in our quest to ensure that every survivor access basic education, we support their quest to attaining formal education
In order to enhance resilience to communities in the 25 dioceses in Kenya, one of our interactive means is through prevention work. RAHT works together with its network members and communities in advocating against human trafficking through a holistic approach as follows: –
Our Prevention work includes;
- Advocacy Workshops: – these workshops target community members. They include youths, children and adults. The workshops are organized by the network representatives who mobilize for participants. Awareness is conducted in churches, community centers, schools and other institutions.
- Advocacy Trainings: – RAHT facilitates trainings for community gate keepers. The gate keepers act as whistle blowers and first responders. The project ensures that they are well equipped with knowledge and skills on how to handle situations surrounding human trafficking. Some of our target groups include; Police, Teachers, Religious leaders, Border control officers among others.
- Mainstream media advocacy: – Through our continued efforts, RAHT has been able to partner with different media stations. They include Radio Waumini, Radio Maria, Thome Radio among others. Through our agreement, we are able to have awareness shows targeting and creating awareness through the air waves.
We work together with different stake holders in the human trafficking and human rights sphere to create awareness and protect human dignity. Through our partners we are able to understand the current trends in the sphere as well as offer our expertise in our fields. The partnerships ensure that all our efforts are fruitful as we can’t work alone. As the African proverb states “alone you can go fast, but together we can Far”
Inspired by the Spirit of God, we aim at committing all survivors to God, and pray for the perpetrators to change their ways. Our basic faith reiterates that we are all created in the image and likeness of God “Genesis 2:27”. As Talitha Kum, from Mark 5:41 “He took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha Koum,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” This word of Talitha Koum invites religious to rise up with courage and hope to stand with victims and survivors of human trafficking and this is to promote human dignity so as they may have life in full ‘John 10:10. This drives our prayer to all victims and perpetrators of human trafficking
“Little girl, I say to you, arise!” This word of Talitha Koum invites religious to rise up with courage and hope to stand with victims and survivors of human trafficking and this is to promote human dignity so as they may have life in full