
Adams Arcade, Elgeyo Marakwet RD. Off Ngong RD

0800 721 361

Our Work: Prayer

Through St. Josephine Bakhita’s Eyes: Praying for Light in the Shadows of Human Trafficking

Amidst the darkness of human trafficking, where hope can seem fleeting and freedom a distant dream, we turn to faith, finding solace and strength in the intercessory power of prayer. St. Bakhita, a beacon of resilience who herself endured the horrors of this heinous crime, becomes our guiding light, illuminating a path towards healing and liberation.

For the Victims:

Through St. Bakhita’s eyes, we pray for the victims of human trafficking. We pray for:

  • Solace and healing: May they find peace in the midst of pain, their trauma gently soothed by divine grace.
  • Courage and resilience: May they rise above their torment, empowered by a spirit of unwavering strength.
  • Freedom and restoration: May the shackles of exploitation be broken, guiding them towards a life of dignity and self-determination.

For the Traffickers:

With St. Bakhita’s compassion, we extend our prayers to the perpetrators, for a transformation of hearts:

  • May they awaken to the depth of their cruelty: May the scales fall from their eyes, revealing the devastating impact of their actions.
  • May they experience the power of remorse: May they be touched by the cries of their victims, leading them to repentance and change.
  • May they embrace the path of justice: May they choose accountability and reparation, paving the way for true justice.

Pope Francis reminds us “Prayer is a cry of hope, a cry of trust, a cry of love.”

Pope Francis

In this spirit, we raise our voices to heaven, not only for the victims and survivors, but also for the traffickers, trusting that even the darkest hearts can be touched by the transformative power of God’s love.

Joining Hands in Prayer:

As we stand united in prayer, let us remember St. Bakhita’s unwavering faith, her journey from victim to saint, a testament to the transformative power of hope and divine intervention. Join us in:

  • Sharing daily prayers: Visit our website for dedicated prayers for victims and traffickers, offered throughout the day.
  • Organizing prayer circles: Gather your community to uplift victims and call for a world free from trafficking.
  • Spreading awareness: Share information about human trafficking and the power of prayer to combat it.
  • Join us! in Prayer Retreats and Vigils

Through collective prayer and continued action, we can illuminate the shadows of human trafficking, guiding victims towards freedom and nurturing a world where every individual walks in dignity and respect.

St. Bakhita, pray for us. May your spirit of hope and resilience forever guide us in this fight for justice. Amen.

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