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On July 30, Talitha Kum International Kenya marked the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons with the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking.” Sister Abby Avelino, International Coordinator, emphasized the urgent need to protect vulnerable children and women from trafficking.

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World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2024- Kenya

Celebration of the World day against Trafficking in persons 2024


RSCK Youth Outreach in Kitui

In the vibrant setting of the Diocesan youth walk in Kitui, a momentous effort to combat human trafficking unfolded with the organized caravan led by RSCK. This initiative, undertaken in collaboration with diverse stakeholders, marked a pivotal opportunity to engage with over 8,000 young individuals, shedding light on the stark realities of human trafficking within their own age groups. This proactive approach underscores the crucial role of directly involving youth in discussions about the insidious nature of trafficking, empowering them with essential knowledge and awareness to safeguard themselves and their communities.

The caravan served as a dynamic platform to educate and raise awareness about the multifaceted forms and deceptive tactics employed in human trafficking, particularly targeting young people. Through interactive sessions and engaging discussions, RSCK and its partners aimed to equip youth with the necessary tools to identify and resist the snares and exploitation associated with trafficking. The goal was not only to inform but also to inspire a sense of vigilance and proactive action among participants, urging them to play an active role in protecting themselves and their peers from this grave violation of human rights.

This initiative, part of a larger concerted effort to combat human trafficking, signifies a significant stride in reaching and empowering young individuals within the Kitui Diocese. By harnessing the energy and enthusiasm of the Diocesan youth walk, RSCK effectively utilized the platform to instill a sense of resilience and responsibility among thousands of young minds. The collaborative approach showcased a dedication to safeguarding the well-being and dignity of youth, equipping them with the awareness and tools necessary to navigate and confront the challenges posed by human trafficking within their communities. This collective effort serves as a beacon of hope and a call to action, emphasizing the pivotal role of youth in the ongoing fight against exploitation and injustice.


Little Sisters of St. Joseph

The Little Sisters of St. Joseph embarked on a transformative endeavor targeting human trafficking in Isinya-Olepolos Village, drawing an unexpectedly large crowd of over 170 participants, surpassing the initial estimate of 100 attendees. This heightened engagement showcased a profound interest, particularly among the youth, who eagerly sought to grasp the intricacies of human trafficking and arm themselves with the knowledge to identify potential risks. Facilitated by esteemed individuals such as Sister Martina Kioo, the session delved deep into the complexities of human trafficking, offering a comprehensive understanding that encompassed its definition, various forms, and associated risks. Using relatable examples, the facilitators effectively conveyed the gravity of the issue, leaving a lasting impact on the participants.

Feedback from the attendees illuminated a troubling reality: a widespread lack of awareness regarding human trafficking within the community. Many participants acknowledged instances of children being sold or exchanged, often attributing such practices to cultural norms rather than recognizing them as severe violations. This realization sparked a collective determination among the participants to engage in further discussions and take tangible actions. Groups dedicated to combatting human trafficking and advocating for its eradication were formed, comprising youth, women, and elders united in their mission to stop all forms of slavery and trafficking.

However, amidst this enthusiasm for awareness and advocacy, significant challenges were brought to light. Participants highlighted difficulties in accessing protection services and seeking justice, citing cultural barriers and entrenched practices such as early marriage as major hurdles. In response, the focus has shifted towards empowering the youth with the necessary knowledge and skills to advocate effectively against human trafficking. Efforts are underway to foster a community-wide understanding of the issue, with a renewed emphasis on continuous awareness initiatives and the integration of anti-trafficking discussions into community gatherings and meetings. This holistic approach aims to facilitate lasting change and create a safer, more informed environment for all community members.


Loreto Institute Activities

The Loreto Sisters Eastern Africa, a proud member Congregation of Talithakum International Kenya, has embarked on an admirable mission to combat human trafficking, notably through a groundbreaking project implemented in the Gishagi Informal settlement of Kangemi. This initiative has united a diverse range of stakeholders, including Community Health Volunteers, Paralegal Officers, law enforcement agencies, and local government officials, fostering a collaborative approach to prevention and protection against human trafficking within the informal settlements.

The project’s model revolves around a comprehensive strategy aimed at empowering the community to take charge of identifying, assessing, referring, and monitoring cases of trafficking. This includes a special focus on vulnerable groups such as asylum seekers, refugees, and individuals with disabilities, ensuring that no one is left behind in the fight against exploitation.

Preventive measures are implemented through a multitude of platforms within the informal settlement, including educational institutions, religious gatherings, community gatherings, women’s self-help groups, healthcare facilities, and even among local transportation providers like boda boda riders. Since its inception from March 2023 to March 2024, the project has made significant strides, reaching out to and engaging a substantial number of individuals, with 7,215 females and 3,918 males, totaling 11,933 people, benefiting from the awareness campaigns and educational initiatives.

In terms of victim rescue and support, the project has demonstrated exceptional effectiveness in managing the rescue, repatriation, and successful reintegration of 19 survivors. Their journey to recovery has been carefully documented with the utmost confidentiality, showcasing a commitment to protecting their dignity and privacy. Many survivors have experienced remarkable progress, accessing education, healthcare, and economic empowerment opportunities that have paved the way for them to lead fulfilling lives post-trauma.

The collaborative partnership between the Loreto Sisters and CHTEA in referring victims for safe housing and counseling sessions has proven invaluable over the past two years, providing a robust support network for survivors of human trafficking. This holistic approach not only addresses immediate needs but also focuses on long-term healing and empowerment, setting a powerful example of community-driven initiatives making a tangible impact in the fight against exploitation and injustice.

St. Josephs

St. Joseph of Mombasa Awareness Sessions

In Mombasa County, a comprehensive five-day training initiative focused on raising awareness about human trafficking recently took place, led by Sr. Joan and Sr. Agnes Nanjala SSJ. This intensive program was tailored for adult community members and church parishioners residing in Kisauni and Jomvu sub-counties, drawing the enthusiastic participation of approximately 400 individuals from various church groups and community outreach programs. The attendees’ commitment to punctuality and their evident eagerness to delve into the intricacies of human trafficking underscored the gravity of the issue and the community’s thirst for knowledge, particularly in understanding the legal frameworks surrounding such matters.

During the training sessions, a significant aspect emerged as ten survivors, all women aged 25 to 35, were identified as requiring crucial psychosocial support and counseling. Additionally, distressing cases were uncovered, involving 25 victims of trafficking who had fallen into the clutches of deceitful agents promising lucrative opportunities but were now entrapped due to their documents being unlawfully withheld. Recognizing the urgency, experts highlighted the need for immediate follow-up actions in these distressing situations.

To address the critical mental health needs of survivors, five of the identified individuals are currently undergoing dedicated counseling sessions as part of the ongoing support efforts. Moreover, the training sessions brought to light several alarming emerging issues within the community:

  • Early marriage surfaced as a significant challenge, underscoring the vulnerability of young individuals.
  • The prevalence of drug abuse and substance addiction emerged as pressing concerns requiring concerted intervention strategies.
  • Poor parenting styles and dysfunctional family dynamics were identified as root causes contributing to vulnerability.
  • A striking lack of awareness about human trafficking, especially in remote areas, highlighted the need for widespread education and outreach initiatives.
  • The pervasive issue of corruption emerged as a formidable obstacle, particularly hindering effective case management and victim protection efforts.
  • Concerns were raised regarding the inadequacy of the existing legal framework in adequately safeguarding victims and ensuring their access to justice.

This multifaceted training program not only shed light on the harsh realities of human trafficking but also illuminated the interconnected social issues that contribute to vulnerability within communities. The findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive interventions, collaborative efforts, and systemic changes to combat trafficking, protect survivors, and promote a safer, more informed society.

Utawala parish

St. Patrick’s Society Activity

The St. Patrick’s Society recently spearheaded an eye-opening awareness program targeted at 54 young adults aged 18 to 27. This initiative went beyond just informative sessions; it included interactive presentations, group discussions, and invaluable feedback sessions. Despite having some prior knowledge about human trafficking, the participants discovered the depth and breadth of this issue within Kenya, realizing its various forms, including both inbound and outbound trafficking.

The heart of the discussions revolved around the lurking dangers within their own communities. The youth were enlightened about the tactics used by agents to lure unsuspecting individuals, especially focusing on the prevalent risk of drug trafficking. There was a palpable eagerness among the participants to understand how they could shield themselves from such risks, with a spotlight on the critical need for thorough background checks before venturing abroad for work opportunities.

Additionally, the Safeguarding Committee of the Parish actively engaged in a session following the youth program. Their keen interest in delving deeper into the complexities of human trafficking reflected a commitment to better serve and protect the community, particularly the youth and their families. Feedback from both the young adults and the committee highlighted distressing realities, including instances of trafficking happening right in their midst, with agents exploiting relationships for nefarious gains, both locally and internationally.

The conversations also touched on the importance of having clear reporting mechanisms in place. Participants sought clarity on how to report suspicious activities and were equipped with vital contacts, including law enforcement agencies and Talithakum International – Kenya, offering a lifeline through their toll-free number.

A crucial outcome of this initiative was the unanimous recommendation for organizing workshops aimed at parents. The goal is to arm them with the knowledge needed to recognize and address the risks of human trafficking that their children might face. This unified approach underscores the power of community involvement and education as potent tools in the fight against human trafficking, emphasizing the collective responsibility to safeguard vulnerable individuals and thwart exploitation.

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Awareness program at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Kikuyu

I n April 2024, St. Peters the Apostle Catholic Church became a vibrant hub of learning and empowerment as it welcomed 80 enthusiastic young members of the Youths Serving Christ (YSC) formation program to a specially designed workshop on human trafficking. The primary goal of this session was to delve into the principles of human dignity and explore its critical role in combating human trafficking. The organizers aimed to equip these young participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to become champions of human rights within their communities.

The workshop was structured around a series of dynamic activities and discussions, fostering an environment where participants could engage deeply with the concepts presented. They explored the inherent value of human dignity and how it should be preserved against the dehumanizing forces of human trafficking. Through interactive sessions, the young attendees examined how human trafficking strips individuals of their freedom and dignity, discussing real-life scenarios that brought these issues into sharp relief.

Participants were particularly engaged during the sessions where they broke down case studies, analyzing them to understand the subtle and overt ways in which human trafficking occurs, and its devastating effects on individuals and communities. These exercises not only enhanced their understanding but also honed their analytical skills, allowing them to see the practical implications of theoretical knowledge.

The discussions also veered into the ethical dimensions of human trafficking, prompting the youths to contemplate their moral responsibilities. Educators and facilitators guided them through complex scenarios, encouraging them to think about how they could apply their newfound knowledge to protect and respect human dignity in their everyday lives. This dialogue was crucial in helping them identify practical steps they could take to fight trafficking, from raising awareness to advocating for policy changes.

By the end of the workshop, it was evident that the participants had transformed their understanding into actionable insights. The young individuals emerged not just as learners but as empowered advocates ready to take proactive roles in their communities. They left with a renewed commitment to safeguarding human rights and a clear vision of how they could contribute to the global fight against human trafficking. This workshop not only educated them but also inspired them to make meaningful changes, proving that when young people are given the tools and knowledge, they can indeed become powerful agents of change.


Training of trainers for Franciscan Novices

On April 12th and 13th, 2024, in Karen, Nairobi, an impactful Training of Trainers workshop was hosted by Talithakum International Kenya. This event brought together 50 Novices and 5formators from various Franciscan groups, focusing on a pressing global issue: human trafficking. Designed as an enlightening and comprehensive educational experience, the workshop sought to illuminate the hidden complexities and harsh realities of human trafficking, a subject previously unfamiliar to many of the attendees.

The sessions were rich with engaging presentations, vibrant discussions, and real-life case studies, which allowed the participants to delve deep into understanding human trafficking not just as a crime, but as a violation of fundamental human rights. This exposure was transformative, filling the participants with knowledge and stirring a deep sense of empathy and responsibility.

The participants, profoundly moved by what they learned, committed themselves to incorporate anti-trafficking measures into their future community work and ministerial efforts. This pledge highlighted the workshop’s success in not only educating but also in inspiring actionable change.

Moreover, the collaboration between Talithakum International Kenya and the Franciscan Congregations during this training underscored the power and importance of partnerships in tackling serious societal issues. Such solidarity and collective action are essential in the ongoing battle against human trafficking.

As these inspired individuals move forward in their ministries, they carry with them a renewed sense of purpose—to spread awareness, support victims, and work tirelessly towards eradicating the menace of human trafficking. Their journey is one of compassion and justice, armed with the tools and knowledge to challenge and change the injustices they encounter.

Building on the successful outcome of this workshop, it is advisable to continue developing similar training programs. Expanding these initiatives to include partnerships with other religious groups and key stakeholders will undoubtedly broaden the impact and enhance the effectiveness of these vital training efforts, paving the way for a more informed and proactive approach in the global fight against human trafficking.

BlogPartnership & Networking

Empowering Communities: Insights from Talitha Kum International Kenya Network’s AGM

Dear Supporters and Allies,

We are thrilled to share the highlights from our recent Annual General Meeting (AGM), held on February 24th, 2024. With 32 dedicated members of the Talitha Kum International Kenya Network in attendance, our gathering was marked by meaningful discussions, reflections on past achievements, and strategic planning for the future.

Celebrating Achievements:

At the heart of our AGM was the celebration of the conclusion of a significant two-year project. We took a moment to reflect on the lessons learned and the profound impact our collective efforts have had on the communities we serve. It was truly heartening to witness the positive changes we’ve brought about, reaffirming our commitment to our mission of empowerment and support.

Charting the Course Ahead:

As we bid farewell to one project cycle, we eagerly embarked on planning for the future. Our discussions revolved around identifying new opportunities, addressing challenges, and setting ambitious yet attainable goals for the coming year. The enthusiasm and dedication demonstrated by our members underscored our collective resolve to continue making a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve.

Prioritizing Safeguarding:

A crucial aspect of our AGM was the discussion surrounding the safeguarding policy for children and vulnerable adults. We understand the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of those we serve, and our commitment to upholding the highest standards of protection remains unwavering. We discussed strategies to strengthen our safeguarding measures and ensure that they are effectively implemented across all our initiatives.

Embracing Optimism and Determination:

Despite the challenges we may face, the prevailing sentiment among our members was one of satisfaction and optimism. We take pride in the progress we’ve made thus far and are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. With unwavering determination, we are poised to tackle the challenges of the future and continue making a positive impact in our communities.

Looking Forward:

As we reflect on the success of our AGM, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each member for their invaluable contributions and unwavering support. Together, we are a formidable force for change, and we approach the new year with renewed energy and determination.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming initiatives and projects. Together, we will continue to be a beacon of hope and empowerment for those in need.

Warm regards,

TKI Kenya communication